About the Week of Integrity
The Week of Integrity, held every December’s first week, is the annual multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to foster the exchange of knowledge and stimulate the debate on integrity in the workplace and in the boardroom, at all types of organizations. What can we expect from employees, civil servants and administrators? But also, what is the responsibility of politicians? What do companies have to do, within the Netherlands, but also abroad if they do business internationally? The Week of Integrity goal isn’t confined to just a week in December; it’s a year-long commitment to unite people in the spirit of integrity. Daily action is imperative to ensure that integrity becomes inherent in the conduct of every individual, organization, and business.

Integrity and ethical behavior
Integrity and ethical behavior are important in all corners and at all levels of society. On an individual level, integrity means being able to justify what you do; it is doing what is right in all circumstances, even when no one is watching.
Integrity is vital to establish trust among both personal and business relationships and therefore creates a reputation of reliability and fairness. Organizational integrity goes beyond managerial integrity; it requires that messaging, actions, policies, leadership align around positive principles that everyone within the organization supports. Integer individuals and institutions build trust and create a society that is not only more inclusive and fair, but also economically more productive.

Week of Integrity Foundation

To uphold the multi-stakeholder aspect and enable further expansion, the initiator (ICC Netherlands) has created a foundation. The Week of Integrity Foundation is responsible for the organization of the Week of Integrity and serves as a vessel for the growing initiative. Its objective is to promote business integrity in the broadest sense, in the Netherlands as well as abroad. Since its creation, the Week of Integrity has grown significantly with other countries taking up the concept. The Foundation’s Supervisory Board oversees the policy.
As organizer and initiator of the Week of Integrity, ICC Nederland has won the Jacobus Oranje Integrity Medal. This award is intended for individuals or organizations that have made an extraordinary effort to promote integrity management within their organization or sector.

ICC Integrity Books
In honor of the Week of Integrity, ICC publishes a book each year that comprises a collection of insightful essays, each aligned with the specific integrity theme of the year. Discover the latest publication below. You can conveniently read it online or contact us to request a printed copy (only shipping costs will be invoiced).
Meet the Board Members

Henk Broeders
Henk Broeders is a non-executive, independent advisor and management consultant. He began his career in computer technology in 1973 at Dow Chemicals in the Netherlands. Moving to Volmac in 1980, where he held various positions in IT and management until 1992, when he was appointed general manager of IQUIP Informatica BV (now Sogeti Nederland), a subsidiary of Cap Gemini N.V. In 1998, he became a member of the Cap Gemini N.V. Executive Board and, following the Group’s acquisition of E&Y Consulting in 2000, was named managing director of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young in the Benelux. From January 2004 till January 2011 he was member of the executive committee of Capgemini SA. Between January 2004 and December 2008 he was CEO of the Continental Europe and Asia Pacific SBU. From 2009 onwards, Henk is chairman of the Country Board of Capgemini Netherlands and Corporate Vice President of Capgemini S.A.. In addition to that he was executive sponsor for TeamOne, the global leadership program of Capgemini, until February 2013. Currently he is no-executive chairman of the board of Mazars Accountants(Nederland), het Diakonessenhuis Utrecht and Stichting de week van de Integriteit.

Izabella Hus-Morawska
Izabella Hus-Morawska (1960) studied German Language and Literature and law at Leiden University and European Studies at the University of Amsterdam. In 1987 she joined Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (KLM) where she held various positions for 21 years. Since 2008, she works at Siemens Nederland N.V. currently as General Counsel and member of the board of directors of Siemens International Holding B.V. Izabella is married and has three children.

Obbe Siderius
Obbe Siderius believes that integrity and compliance activities need to be part of business workflows and organized cross-functional to make impact and to avoid bolt-on compliance. Bespoke solutions tied to company purpose and business principles will be supportive to conduct business in in a responsible way and will safeguard company branding and reputation. His experience ranges from general compliance work such as building and implementing a compliance program, risk and crisis management, whistleblowing and investigations, export controls and sanctions, third party reviews and diagnosing bribery risk to specific topics such as responsible sourcing, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, operating in volatile environments and ESG-standards. He has a longstanding background in integrity and compliance in listed internationally operating companies in different sectors. For a few years he was part of ICC Netherlands board of directors.

Leo (L.W.J.C.) Huberts
Leo (L.W.J.C.) Huberts (1953) is Emeritus Professor of Public Administration at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His main areas of research concern governance and power and the quality, integrity and ethics of governance. He is author or editor of more than twenty books and many articles on police integrity, public corruption and fraud and on integrity management, including Leo Huberts (2014). Integrity of Governance. What It Is, What We Know, What Is Done and Where to Go. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan and L.W.J.C. Huberts (2018). Integrity: What it is and Why it is Important, Public Integrity 20(1): 18-32. DOI: 10.1080/10999922.2018.1477404.

Hugo G. von Meijenfeldt LLM
Senior Sustainability Advisor 2019-today: Member Supervisory Board ICC Week of Integrity and UN Global Compact NL; Guest Lecturer at Universities and Academic Institutes; Author of books, articles, and blogs. Ambassador for the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2009-2019: National SDG Coordinator; Consul-General in San Francisco; Special Envoy for Climate Change, all at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Manager and Legal Counsel 1982-2009: Acting/Deputy Director-General; Director International Affairs; Director for Soil & Water. Legal Counsel Environmental Liability, all at the Dutch Ministry of the Environment. Education: Law School majoring in public law and politics; chosen member of the Council of the Free University in Amsterdam.

Laure Jacquier
Laure Jacquier recently assumed the role of General Director at ICC Netherlands and Secretary General for the Week of Integrity Foundation. Prior to these appointments, she held various managerial roles, notably at Damen Shipyard, where she served as the Sustainability Manager overseeing the group’s ESG strategy.
Important Notes for Partners
Commitment to Integrity: Partners are expected to commit to improving integrity within their own organizations. The Week of Integrity initiative aims to increase integrity across all aspects of business activities.
Not a Marketing Platform: The initiative is not a platform for consultants to find new clients but a movement to genuinely enhance integrity in business practices.
Visibility Not Included: Please note that partnership does not include visibility benefits. For brand exposure and other visibility-related benefits, please consider our sponsorship packages.
What Does It Cost?
We aim to keep participation in the Week of Integrity free as we are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ethical practices.
However, to achieve this goal, we must call on the generosity of our partners. Partners who can sponsor the week help us cover the costs of developing the toolbox, organizing and running events.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities and the benefits they offer, click here.

About the initiator, ICC Netherlands
The Week of Integrity is an initiative of ICC Netherlands. ICC is the world business organization. It has been a pioneer in the fight against corruption, issuing its first version of the ICC Rules of Conduct to combat Extortion and Bribery in 1977. ICC also played an important role in establishing the respective OECD and UN Anti-corruption Conventions. ICC is at the forefront of the development of ethics, anti-corruption and corporate responsibility advocacy codes and guidelines, providing a lead voice for the business community in this rapidly changing field.
The promotion of integrity and the debate about ethical standards requires a multi-stakeholder approach. Convinced of the power of combined forces, the first Week of Integrity was held in the Netherlands in 2016. Thanks to ICC vast network in the private and the public sector, civil society and education, it immediately gained a lot of interest. Since 2016, the amount of partners has grown to over 100. To promote further thinking and inspire society, four Integrity books have been successfully published as well. In the Integrity books, experts from various backgrounds share their insights and views on topics related to integrity.
ICC Netherlands’ innovative multi-stakeholder initiative has received widespread appreciation from both the private and the public sector, including that of the G20 Anti-bribery Working group where the initiative was presented as inspiration to others (Mexico, May 2018). The Week of Integrity Foundation was established in order to assure the continuity of the initiative and to emphasize its multi-stakeholder character. In the meantime, the number of countries showing interest in the adoption of the concept continues to rise which gives the initiators great pleasure and inspiration to continue to build a network of individuals and organizations committed to a more honest, fair and transparent world, even across borders.