Integrity Toolbox
Define your moral compass together
During the Week of Integrity, we proudly present the Integrity Toolbox—a dynamic resource to embed integrity in sustainability efforts. Engage with the Integrity Game for ethical dilemmas, join Integrity Drinks for informal discussions, explore Integrity Dialogue for in-depth conversations, and discover real-world scenarios with Integrity Moments. Learn more on this page!
Integrity in Sustainability challenge
The online and free version of our "Integrity Game", that is definitely worth your attention.
Collect SDGs, complete integrity challenges and become the Sustainability and integrity champion in 15 minutes!
By clicking "Start," you will be redirected to another website hosted on Google Cloud. Please note that no personal data is being recorded or stored during this process.

Integrity Game
This interactive game, which we developed ourselves, challenges participants to think critically about integrity in Sustainability, ethical dilemmas and make decisions that reflect integrity. It’s an engaging way to introduce integrity principles within your organization.
This tool can be used during team-building sessions or training workshops, making ethics fun and impactful.
How to use the Toolbox
How to promote integrity and sustainability within your organisation?
The tools provided in this toolbox can be integrated into your organization’s activities leading up to and during the Week of Integrity. They are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing you to tailor them to your specific needs and objectives.
Step 2
Engage and educate

Use the Integrity Game and Integrity Dialogue videos to engage your employees and educate them about the importance of integrity.
Step 3
Facilitate discussions

tilize the guidelines and general questions to facilitate meaningful discussions that promote ethical behavior and decision-making.
Step 4
Highlight real scenarios

Incorporate Integrity Moments into your meetings or training sessions to keep the conversation about integrity alive.
Step 5
Encourage networking

Organize Integrity Drinks to provide a platform for informal discussions and networking focused on integrity.
By incorporating these tools into your organization’s activities, you can create a robust framework for promoting integrity and sustainability. This toolbox is designed to help you make the most of the Week of Integrity and to ensure that the principles of ethical behavior are embedded in your organizational culture.

Promote the Week of Integrity
To help you share and promote the values of the Week of Integrity within your organisation, we offer a range of visual tools. These include logos, posters, and graphics designed to enhance your internal and external communication around integrity.
By using these resources, you can easily highlight the importance of transparency, accountability, and ethical behaviour during the Week of Integrity. The materials are ready for use across digital platforms, in print, or around your workplace.

Integrity Dialogue
Define your moral compass together
Aristotle once said: "Experience is the mother of all wisdom." By sharing and learning from the experiences of others, we can better determine where our boundaries lie. With this Integrity Dialogue, we offer you the opportunity to engage in informal conversations with your colleagues about integrity and sustainability. This helps you make conscious choices and strengthen your moral compass as a set of values and principles that guide your decisions and actions.
How to organise an Integriy Dialogue within your organisation?
To successfully organize an Integrity Dialogue, there are five steps to keep in mind. We have outlined these steps in a detailed document. Feel free to skip any steps if you believe this will enhance the dialogue about integrity within your company. The goal is to engage in respectful and accessible conversations about important themes presented in the dilemmas featured in the videos.
Plan a
Organize a separate team, lunch event or another special event with colleagues from different departments to have an inspiring Integrity Dialogue from different perspectives, such as the business perspective, the legal and compliance perspective. Diversity is key to initiate a good dialogue. The event may takes about two hours.
Step 2
Select a

Choose one of the videos with a sustainability-related dilemma available on the Week of Integrity website, or propose a relevant dilemma from your company or the provided examples below. Play the video, or read out the dilemma, and ask the group to reflect on the closing question: "What would you do?"
Step 3
Select a moderator

The role of the moderator is crucial in guiding a productive and open dialogue. They ensure that the conversation stays focused, that every voice is heard, and that the dialogue is respectful and inclusive. If possible, try to secure a champion from management who supports the dialogue and is willing to advocate for further actions based on the dialogue.
Step 4
Facilitate the Dialogue

Encourage participants to share their perspectives. Ask open-ended questions to ensure a broad dialogue (Open-ended questions are those that cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" response. Instead, they encourage participants to elaborate on their thoughts, share experiences, and provide more detailed insights. These types of questions are useful for promoting deeper conversation, exploring multiple perspectives, and fostering critical thinking):
Step 5
Putting ideas
in action

Identify actionable insights from the dialogue to enhance sustainability practices and strengthen integrity, then report these outcomes to leadership to drive real changes. Incorporate feedback from various departments, keep the conversation ongoing with regular follow-ups, and address new ethical questions as they emerge.
Dilemma video's
How would you deal with such a dilemma within your organisation?
During the run-up to the Week of Integrity 2024, we will provide you with a number of videos that present dilemmas, related to one of the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), meant to inspire for a dialogue. These videos will help you and your organization to reflect on its practices, values, and ambitions in the context of sustainability. It should provide you and your colleagues with a safe space to start the conversation.
SDG 8:
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Marianne van Keep
Verstegen Spices & Sauces
SDG 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production
Sam Smeets
Getting Prepared
Select a Game Leader: Choose someone who will guide the session and explain the rules. The game leader should also review the game materials in advance to be prepared for any questions. Gather Your Team: The game supports 2-6 players or teams. Encourage a mix of participants from different support functions and roles to bring diverse perspectives to the game. This approach allows for richer discussions and learning from various viewpoints. Set the Time and Place: Integrity Game sessions work well during team-building events, lunch-and-learn sessions, or as a special feature in training workshops.
Step 2
Set the Atmosphere

Arrange the Space: Use a comfortable room with enough space for players to move around the board, place their pieces, and interact easily. Arrange the seating to encourage discussion. Prepare the Materials: Distribute the game board, SDG cards, business cards, die, penalty tokens, and any other necessary items. Ensure each team or player has their own business card with the SDG goal they need to fulfill. Decide the Winning Goal: Choose one of two game modes: Standard: The first player/team to collect 6 SDGs wins. Fast-paced: Set a time limit, and the player/team with the most SDGs at the end of the session wins.
Step 3
Playing the Game

Starting the Game: The game leader explains the goal of the game and how each card type functions (SDG, Chance, Penalty, etc.). Make sure everyone understands the purpose of each card and the concept of collecting SDG cards. Moving Around the Board: Players roll the die to move and can choose to stop at an SDG or Action space. Emphasize that answering SDG questions should be done thoughtfully and with integrity in mind. Discussing Dilemmas: Some SDG cards are dilemma cards designed to spark ethical discussions. Encourage open discussion here and use these cards as an opportunity for players to reflect on integrity.
Step 4
Wrap-Up and Reflection

Conclude with a short debrief where players can share their takeaways. Discuss how the choices they made during the game reflect real-life business situations and the importance of integrity.
Step 5
Tips for Success

Adapt to Your Organization: Feel free to customize the game’s pace and length based on your team’s schedule. The game’s main goal is to encourage conversations about integrity in a fun and engaging way. Encourage Teamwork and Diverse Perspectives: Mixing teams from different departments or functions helps bring fresh insights and supports a well-rounded approach to integrity, fostering a culture of mutual learning and support.
Below is a short introductory video that doesn’t reflect the game’s design style—it’s just an introduction to show how the game is played.

Integrity Drinks
Sparking Conversations on Ethics
Our Integrity Drinks toolkit is designed to help partners host informal, engaging events focused on ethical discussions. With a provided PowerPoint containing questions, answers, and concise explanations, participants can explore real-world dilemmas and share best practices. These sessions offer a relaxed setting to deepen understanding, align on values, and strengthen ethical decision-making within the team.
How to organise an Integrity Pub Quiz within your organisation?
Hosting an Integrity Pub Quiz or Integrity Drinks is easy with just a few steps. We’ve outlined the key steps hereunder in order to help you plan your quiz for maximum engagement. Adjust the questions and setup to fit your organisation's needs. The goal is to create a fun, interactive experience that encourages conversation and learning around key integrity themes.
Select Relevant Questions
Start by choosing the questions that best align with your organization’s integrity focus. Include a mix of general integrity topics and a few challenging ones, like those with Transparency International figures, to encourage a competitive edge and make it easier to declare a winner.
Step 2
Decide on a Prize

Choose a prize that will excite participants, such as a gift card, a team lunch, or any motivational token.
Step 3
Set the Right Environment

Create an engaging setting for the quiz. Consider hosting it during a lunch break, as a “Lunch & Learn” session, or even after work with drinks. A relaxed setting, whether in-person or virtual, helps encourage participation.
Step 4
Determine Quiz Duration

Set the quiz duration based on your available time and group dynamics. A standard 20-question format generally takes around 30-45 minutes, but you can adjust the number of questions to fit a shorter or longer session.
Step 5
Run the Quiz in your setting

Use the PowerPoint presentation with printed answer sheets for team-based play, which fosters interaction and team spirit as participants work together. Alternatively, you can use a digital tool like Kahoot or Slido, which may suit individual play but doesn’t allow as much team interaction. Choose the format that best matches your goals—whether encouraging teamwork or offering a faster-paced, individual experience with digital score tracking.

How to use Integrity Moments within your organisation?
Integrity Moments provide an impactful way for organizations to explore ethical questions through real-world cases. Each case study in this collection examines the ethical challenges organizations may face, emphasizing how integrity plays a critical role in supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through these scenarios, participants can reflect on the consequences of actions, the importance of transparency, and the role of integrity in building trust and promoting sustainable practices.
Step 2

Tailor the content to your organization’s objectives. Adjust or remove questions in the PowerPoint to better align with your organizational values and goals. The PowerPoint is intended as a flexible facilitation tool—modify it as needed to match your team's unique culture and objectives.
Step 3

Choose the format and timing that best suits your organization. Integrity Moments can be quick, five-minute discussions at the beginning of a meeting, part of a “lunch & learn” session, or a focused, in-depth workshop. Cases are all equipped with links to additional content, including videos. Establish an open, respectful atmosphere that encourages thoughtful dialogue.
Step 4

Lead the discussion with the provided questions to prompt participants to consider various perspectives and ethical dimensions of the case. Whether used for a brief prompt or a more extended session, the aim is to foster an open, insightful dialogue on integrity in practice.
Step 5

Highlight the case’s connection to relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), demonstrating how integrity intersects with goals like SDG 8 (Decent Work), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and others. This adds depth to the discussion by showing how ethical choices contribute to broader societal objectives.
Integrity Moment cases
Start open discussions on integrity and sustainable practices
Our Integrity Moment toolkit offers real-world case studies, each with an adaptable PowerPoint presentation designed to stimulate ethical reflection and discussion. Use these Integrity Moments as brief, five-minute prompts at the start of meetings or as longer, in-depth discussions, depending on your organizational needs.
These cases were independently selected by students to maintain objectivity and avoid conflicts of interest, ensuring an unbiased presentation of ethical dilemmas.