Partners’ Initiatives 2023

2023 Week of Integrity program & partner initiatives
Explore the full lineup of activities and initiatives from our engaged partners for this year’s Week of Integrity. If you wish to participate in any of these activities, simply click on the corresponding event in the full program below for more details.
If your company is interested in organizing an activity and join our network, please download and complete the registration form. If you have limited time and resources, no worries- we have prepared a diverse array of initiatives ready for implementation, shining a spotlight on integrity. You can download them below in the 2023 toolkit. If you need any support, please contact us!
Toolkit 2023
Explore the flipbook below to discover the comprehensive 2023 Toolkit. All the resources necessary for communicating your initiative within your company, on the internet, or through social media are available. Moreover, you can download materials for initiatives that are ready for implementation. The complete kit is downloadable from the bottom of the page. If you need any assistance, please contact us at
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